Radiographic Testing – RT

  • Imagen de ISCSA - Radiografía Industrial
  • Radiographic Testing has its main application in welding quality control.
    In structures for buildings, bridges, tanks, pipe lines, offshore platforms, petrochemical plants, etc.

    Other applications include:
    Casting Parts RT
    Thickness measurement
    Inspection of piping arrangements and insulated component
    RT  of metallic products made of different materials, for different uses, during manufacturing or maintenance.

    We have the best X-Ray and Gamma-Ray equipment, 15 radiographic units ready to work anywhere in the country, 365 days a year.

    Authorized by the National Commission for Nuclear Safety and Safeguards since 1996, License No. AOO.200/0595/96.

    We have more radiation safety equipment than the regulatory one and a system that has resulted in: